
Showing posts from 2014

Visual Paradox Master: Rene Magritte

Consider the nature of a paradox. It deals with self-contradiction and inconsistency. Its concerns are conflict, puzzle and mystery. Enigma: ambiguous; baffling; perplexing; these become an exciting dimension for re-interpretation and imaginative staging. No wonder than that Rene Magritte has such an impact on the contemporary visual thinkers. The changing world of finance, human relationships, international communication and understanding of ethical values are shifting along a broad continuum. Anomalies and incongruities are constants. The new environs provide a fertile investigation mine for the curious explorers in creativity. More from Rene Magritte, the master of paradoxical staging.

Rene Magritte The Launching Pad For Pop Art

Imagine the familiar. The ordinary. The overlooked simple things. Imagine them rearranged in unfamiliar situations. Those situation shock. Titillate. Annoy. Stimulate. Disconcert. Puzzle. Disturb. Deliberately making the contexts of his images improbable, he creates wondering and questioning. His paintings have meaning within meaning and connections apparently outside of familiar logic. While some of his paintings appear strange, they are emotionally cathartic. And always witty and intellectually provocative. Rene Magritte provided the scaffolding with his interpretations of the ordinary things and common concerns for the development of contemporary pop art. Rene Magritte observed: If the dream is a translation of waking life, waking life is also a translation of the dream. This arresting   video sheds glimpses into Rene Magritte's observation.

Learning Eyes Looking At M.C.Escher

Here is looking at M.C.Escher and his works through the learner's eyes. The influence that learners have on each is other intriguing. This video examines one facet on the specific influence of Escher's work on Penrose the mathematician and his father. It shows how they responded. Then it traces Escher's response to the Penroses's resultant works.

Mathematics As The Fount of M.C. Escher's Creations

Mathematics has a cache of intriguing ideas for M.C.Escher. In these videos, he gives us an inside look into his imagination and his technical brilliance.

M.C.Escher The Brilliant Illusionist

M.C. Escher, a Dutch graphic artist, is associated with woodcuts, lithographs and mezzotints. These inspired creations feature impossible mathematical constructions; mind-blowing explorations of forms and space that show infinity; architectural structures that recede and protrude at the same plane; tessellations merging insects, animals and portraits in dazzling permutations, Here is a collection of some M.C. Escher's works:

The Final Part: ANTONI GAUDI The Bold Man

Finally, an imaginative presentation of Gaudi the architect revealing his thoughts:

The Magic Square In Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

Albrecht Duerer in his woodcut introduced the MAGIC SQUARE. The sum total of the numbers in each parallel column adds up to 34. The sum total of the numbers in each vertical column adds up to 34. The sum total of the numbers in the diagonals adds up to 34. The sum total of the numbers in the four corners: 16 + 4 + 13 + 1 adds up to 34. The sum of the two numbers between the corners: 3 + 2  + 15 + 14;  5 + 9 + 8 + 12...each set adds up to 34. The sum of the four numbers in the centre 10 + 11 + 7 + 6 makes 34. In Sagrada Familia, Antoni Gaudi uses the MAGIC SQUARE above. WHY DID ANTONI USE THE MAGIC SQUARE IN THIS PARTICULAR PLACE? Perhaps to express his faith in the traditional teaching that nothing happens by accident; that the Creator of all that exists has order embedded at the core of its existence. The Magic Square as a symbol then teaches such a subtle lesson! The close-up shows the horizontal, vertical and diagonal num...

Sculptures In Sagrada Familia By Antoni Gaudi

Sculptures are vehicles to tell bible stories of faith; express feelings of awe and fascination; decorate space as ornaments of beauty. In Sagrada Familia, sculptures have been collectively organised to transport whoever is viewing into realms of wonder. That this impact is the familiar response of each in the presence of this church is itself a wonder. Have a look at some of these sculptures.

The Mosaics In Antoni Gaudi's Buildings

Antoni Gaudi has little personal writing. These rare bits reveal the source of his passion and character. On the construction of Sagrada Familia: There is no reason to regret that I cannot finish the church. I will grow old but others will come after me. What must be considered is the spirit of the work, but its life has to depend on the generations it is handed down to with whom it lives and is incarnated. On the pursuit in his work: Originality consists in returning to the origin. On his thinking: Those who look for the laws of nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator. I think these following shots of mosaic pieces in Sagrada Familia bear the distinctive marks of his vision: